How to prepare a competent, confident communicator.


Welcome to Shurley English (SE) and thanks for checking out our new blog!  Whether you’re just learning about the curriculum or you’re a seasoned SE teacher, I’d like to invite you to come back weekly for some English Language Arts (ELA) discourse!

This week, I want to share a recipe for success that’s encoded in your Shurley English Teacher’s Manual.  It’s easy to follow and contains three main ingredients: knowledge, skills, and practice.  When mixed properly, the combination creates competence and confidence!  Allow me to elaborate.

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Competent means having the knowledge and skill to do something well. The more you learn, the more competent you become.  

Competence = Knowledge + Skill

Confident means feeling self-assured in one’s own abilities.  It’s a ‘state of mind’ increased by practicing acquired knowledge and skills.                                      

Confidence = Knowledge + Skills x Practice


The following tested and tried Shurley English recipe has been preparing competent, confident communicators for generations.  Make sure to follow it in your classroom!




© Shurley Instructional Materials, Inc.

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Jamie Geneva

Jamie Geneva is the Senior National Consultant at Shurley Instructional Materials and is a seasoned subject matter expert in the realm of English Language Arts.  Her career with the company began during the days of the Shurley Method binder, which was pre-1st Edition, and has spanned across three decades.  Over the years, her various roles have included teacher, presenter, state representative, consultant, manager, and most recently, a Shurley English Digital Assistant.  You might not recognize her face, but her voice could certainly sound familar.  That’s because she’s recorded Jingles, Q&A Flow Sentences, and other Shurley English content for many, many years. 

Jamie and her husband, Garret, live in the foothills of eastern Oklahoma. She loves spending quality time with her family, traveling, reading, cooking, and staying connected on social media.

Ms. Geneva received her B.S. degree in Elementary Education and her M.Ed in Public School Administration from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, OK.