Taking the Lead: How to Build Confidence in Your Students
/One goal of using direct instruction in your classroom is to build confidence in your students as you model, model, model. As teachers, we model grammar jingles. We model sentence classification. We model every day to ensure our students can make English Language Arts connections with confidence.
But, why leave the modeling to just the teacher? Why not get your students in on the action?
Student leading her class in a Shurley Jingle.
Student leading his class in the Q&A Flow.
Here, you see a student leading her class in a Jingle. Next, you see a student leading his class in the Question and Answer Flow. In each of these scenarios, the student is acting as the teacher’s assistant. The student is modeling, while also having the support of his/her peers. The student is building competence and confidence!
It’s time to step back.
It’s time to pass the baton.
Who is ready to take the lead in your classroom?