Let's Get Organized with Writing Maps!
/Being organized is a key ingredient to the writing process. It helps everyone stay focused and on-topic. I find that writing maps not only help my students accomplish this goal, but these planning tools also give them a great place to start.
Recently, I had a teacher at a workshop ask me where to find all the Prewriting Maps since they have not yet ventured into the digital version of Shurley English.
Here is a step-by-step process to access our Prewriting Maps from our website:
Step 1:
Go to www.shurley.com.
Select the login button.
Step 2:
Login to your Shurley account.
Don't have a Shurley account? No problem! Simply select the REGISTER link.
Your account is free and your information will remain private.
Step 3:
Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage.
Click the PRINTABLES button.
Step 4:
Select the appropriate grade level and view the printable content.
Step 5:
Scroll through the PDF content. For most levels, you will find multiple pages of resources.
Print the map you wish to use.
Happy writing!
© Shurley Instructional Materials, Inc.