A Noun is a Noun, or is it?

A Noun is a Noun, or is it?

From the beginning, Shurley English teaches students to understand the role that each word plays in a sentence. The first part of speech we begin with is the noun, and in true Shurley style, we start by going over the Noun Jingle. The jingle and corresponding lesson teaches that a noun names

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Sentence Pattern Study: Pattern 3

Last week, we began our study of sentence patterns. Remember, if you recognize the pattern of a sentence’s core parts, the grammar of the sentence (or its word arrangement) will make more sense. Last time, we discussed Pattern 1 and Pattern 2.

Today, let’s start our study with a new Pattern 2 Sentence:

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Sentence Pattern Study: Pattern 1 and Pattern 2

Sentence Pattern Study: Pattern 1 and Pattern 2

Learning English grammar can be tough, but, as the saying goes, a picture paints a thousand words. So, I am taking the high road on this series and making it visual—thereby sparing well over 980 words…and your sanity!

If you are up on your brain science, you know that our brains seek patterns to make sense of the world. In English, even our sentences fall into patterns. If you recognize the pattern of a sentence’s core parts, the grammar of the sentence (or its word arrangement) will make more sense. Look at this:

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