Teacher Toolbox: Even a Motivator Needs to be Motivated

Motivation with SHurley English.jpg

If you’ve ever found yourself in the middle of a tumultuous situation like a rip-roaring, indoor recess due to inclement weather, or a rigorous test preparation right before a holiday, you know how it feels when you need a break! …You need it, and you need it NOW!   

Now is when you have to dig a little bit deeper into your teacher toolbox and pull out that shiny tool that you know will give you the extra boost needed to get you over the hump.  In my mind, I imagine it might be a bright, glittery folder—a Focus Fileone that makes you chuckle, sigh, and smile at the same time.  This special tool has just what you need to touch you at the core of your uniqueness.  Let’s take a look at the contents of this Focus File:

My WHY—the reason I show up every morning to teach our future leaders.

My PHILOSOPHY—the expression of my beliefs about Education and Teaching.

My SPECIALTY—that thing, subject, lesson, or style I know I’m exceptional at!

OUR WINS!—a list of students I’ve impacted or that have impacted me and whom I’ll never forget. Describe the impact!

If you don’t have a tool like this, I highly recommend you take the time to create one.  Rename it if you’d like, and add anything to your file that lifts you up. When you get bogged down, overwhelmed, or even burned-out, pull out your Focus File, take some time to acknowledge YOUR hard work and dedication, and allow the contents to invigorate you!  Sometimes, it’s the internal motivation we get from things like a Focus File that inspire us to keep moving forward.

Teachers, you’re doing EXCELLENT work—Keep it up!