How to Increase Emotional Intelligence with Controversy and Introspection

How to Increase Emotional Intelligence with Controversy and Introspection

If you have been following my posts about guiding kids to connect emotionally with their learning…thanks! I hope it has been interesting and helpful. I am wrapping up my series with another combo from Jensen’s work: controversy and introspection.

The mere mention of the word controversy is controversial. But what I mean is not going to usher in a strike of some kind and make you want to walk in a picket line. Controversy and introspection in the classroom are a dynamic duo because of the kind of thinking they inspire in your students.

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How to Increase Emotional Intelligence with Role Modeling

How to Increase Emotional Intelligence with Role Modeling

Welcome back to my series on emotional intelligence. My two previous articles were closely related because drama and storytelling involve playing the roles of characters. The same is true with this entry about role modeling. Role modeling, like drama and storytelling, reaches deep into the emotions of learners. Real-life situations and relationships get real-world practice in role modeling.

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Grow Emotional Intelligence with Storytelling

Grow Emotional Intelligence with Storytelling

Last time, I threw drama into the mix to help kids connect emotionally to their own learning. As we think deeper about how important this connection is, researchers report that storytelling offers a unique opportunity for kids to grow their emotional intelligence quotient.

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The Benefits of Using Drama Activities in Your Classroom

The Benefits of Using Drama Activities in Your Classroom

Next up on the emotional intelligence list is—wait for it…drama in the classroom…the kind that won’t make you nuts! This subject is near and dear to my heart because I have been a community theatre enthusiast most of my life! I suppose I just gravitated toward drama because I liked the fantasy, the story, the chance to be someone else.

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Why Playing Games Boosts Emotional Intelligence

Why Playing Games Boosts Emotional Intelligence

Last time, I told you about nine ways to ignite emotional intelligence in your classroom. I discussed how music can impact emotional connections to learning. Now, let’s examine how bringing games into the school day can support emotional intelligence.

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Emotional Intelligence: How to boost learning with music

Emotional Intelligence: How to boost learning with music

If you are a teacher, you know that teaching—and learning—are emotional experiences. Thanks to neuropsychology and neuroscientists, we have some exciting ways to increase the joy in our classrooms, which in turn increases learning. Why? It’s one of the most basic concepts in teaching and learning…happy kids learn new things easier than stressed-out kids.

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