Are you meeting your students' needs?

Are you meeting your students' needs?

Today’s classroom teacher wears many hats, and that’s a fact.  Not only are they responsible to help children develop and improve their literacy, mathematic, and social science skills, they must also evaluate student progress and performance along the way.  To be upfront, I’m not just talking about grades for the aforementioned subject areas.  I’m talking about an assessment that goes much deeper.

On a daily basis, classroom teachers must

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How to Manage Stress During the Holiday Season

How to Manage Stress During the Holiday Season

There are only seven shopping days left before Christmas! (Let that sink in for just a minute!) I know that Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but right about now, I’m feeling a little less than wonderful! The very idea that I only have a handful of days left to select, purchase, and wrap gifts for my family stresses me out! I’ve never been this unprepared!

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