Extend the Lesson: The Gift of Kindness

Extend the Lesson: The Gift of Kindness

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.  Some of the words associated with kindness are affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care. The act of being kind often requires courage and strength, but a simple act of kindness can have huge effects individually and globally. 

Think back to a time when someone was kind to you or when you were kind to someone else.  Do you remember the feeling you felt when that person held the door open for you?  Did you happen to see the other person smile or light-up when you acted with kindness?  

Take a look at how kindness affects a human being:

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Writing Extension: Creating a Thanksgiving Thank You

Writing Extension: Creating a Thanksgiving Thank You

Are you looking for an idea to motivate your students to grow an “attitude of gratitude” during this season of Thanksgiving?  Why not assist them in creating their own personalized letter of thanksgiving written to someone special in their lives? Not only will you create a Thanksgiving to remember, but you will ensure that your students know about the lost art of letter writing. That’s a win-win! Here’s the plan:

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How to Manage Stress During the Holiday Season

How to Manage Stress During the Holiday Season

There are only seven shopping days left before Christmas! (Let that sink in for just a minute!) I know that Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but right about now, I’m feeling a little less than wonderful! The very idea that I only have a handful of days left to select, purchase, and wrap gifts for my family stresses me out! I’ve never been this unprepared!

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Helping Children Experience the JOY of Giving

Helping Children Experience the JOY of Giving

Christmas is known as the season of giving, but that might be a difficult concept for children to understand. With the onslaught of holiday ads, it’s only natural for them to ponder “getting” vs. “giving” during the holidays. While receiving gifts usually produces a good feeling, research indicates that giving creates an even greater joy.

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What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

It seems like everyone is talking about being mindful these days! From “how-to” magazine articles to “feel-good” stories on the evening news, mindfulness is generating quite a buzz! So, what’s it all about? Is it for me? Will mindfulness enhance the quality of my life, and can I teach myself how to incorporate the principles?

With all of these questions in mind, I decided to

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Boost Your Mood With Gratitude

Boost Your Mood With Gratitude

Every year, Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends on the first Sunday in November, when clocks are moved back an hour at 2 a.m. local daylight time. When this happens, It takes our minds and bodies several weeks to adjust to the time change. On top of that, the early evening darkness can wreak havoc on our overall mood due to a reduction in the amount of sunlight we receive.

Research tells us that

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Grammar Practice with Thanksgiving Printables

Grammar Practice with Thanksgiving Printables

Many students seem to have a difficult time locating even the most basic parts of speech like the Subject Noun and Verb. If they’ve had little to no grammar instruction in grades 1-8, it’s no surprise. With that being said, there is a curriculum that can completely turn a grammar deficit around. It’s

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