The Art of Self-Care for Teachers: Saying "No."

The Art of Self-Care for Teachers: Saying "No."

Last week, we discussed how practicing the art of self-care IS your duty.  Learning how to set boundaries at home and work helps you take care of YOU so you can take care of others. One valuable way to break your pattern of self-sacrifice is by learning how to gracefully say, “No.”

When you’re a chronic giver or helper, it’s really hard to tell people, “No.”  Most of us don’t like to disappoint people.  We avoid conflict when possible, and many people simply believe that taking care of one’s self is just plain selfish.  These days, more and more people have started shifting their beliefs around self-care; personal health and well-being have become a part of people’s lives in the 21st Century.  People are empowered when they can say, “No” to a request that is not absolutely necessary.

Please be aware of this important point

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The Art of Self-Care for Teachers

The Art of Self-Care for Teachers

Are you familiar with the frog in boiling water metaphor?  (Of course, do not attempt this at home!)

Imagine a pot of cold water sitting on the burner of a stove. A frog is peacefully swimming in it. The heat is turned on, and the water starts warming up. The frog finds this pleasant and keeps swimming. The temperature keeps rising, though. Now, the water is a little more than what the frog enjoys; it becomes a bit tired, but it doesn’t panic. As the water continues to heat up, the frog finds it very uncomfortable, and

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Sniff-Sniff, Cough-Cough: Tips for teaching when you are sick

Sniff-Sniff, Cough-Cough: Tips for teaching when you are sick

It’s inevitable! You will become ill at some point during the school year. Now, whether you choose to take care of yourself and stay home or you try to make it through the day teaching may be a tough decision. I know you know that toughing it out and exposing your students and co-workers to whatever “bug” you caught is not the wisest decision, but still, we teachers do it anyway.

Once you’ve made your decision to

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